Craft Engaging Lessons in Minutes.

  • Aligned with the Australian Curriculum
  • Generate content using powerful topic brainstorming tools
  • Add comprehension activities directly from YouTube videos!
  • Boost understanding and enhance student engagement with awesome interactive
    • Cloze activities
    • Quizzes
    • Word Search and
    • True/False exercises

Turbo charged presentations with auto-generated quizzes, cloze activites, word search and more.


  • Save time!
    Seriously. You will be done prepping a full lesson in minutes instead of hours
  • Keep students engaged
    Interactive elements mean more participation
  • Aid Comprehension
    Build subject vocabulary and improve comprehension with a range of activities such as Cloze, Quiz, True/False and Word Searches
  • Helps with differentiation
    Quickly tweak content to match your students' needs

Pick a topic

Say you are teaching about The Amazon Rainforest SlideHero instantly suggests subtopics. This super handy to map out the content of your presentation.

Choose the topic headings that align with your students' needs and SlideHero will generate your content including activities such as true/false, word search, quizzes, glossary and cloze activites.

Curriculum-Aligned for Australian Teachers

If you teach in Australia, this is huge. SlideHero aligns lessons with the Australian Curriculum, so you can confidently say, “This meets the Achievement Standards.”

Knowledge Checks & Activities

Every slide comes with a quick true/false widget and an activity to keep students engaged.


Build knowledge and keep your students enganged with quizzes. The activity is automatically generated from your content and is fully editable by the teacher.

Cloze Activities

Build vocabulary and knowledge with interactive fill in the blank activities. Students love the instant feedback and interactivity! The activity is automatically generated from your content and is fully editable by the teacher.

Word Search

Engage students with Word Search and accompanying True/False questions. Content is aligned with your chosen topic area. The activity is automatically generated from your content and is fully editable by the teacher.

Students love the instant feedback and interactivity!

YouTube Integration

Found a great video? Paste the link, and SlideHero will generate comprehension questions for you. No more scrambling to come up with thought-provoking questions.

Customizable & Presentable

Choose from different templates and tweak the content however you like. It's your lesson - you're in control.

Sharing Your Presentations

Present your slide shows directly from within SlideHero or send your students a share link.

Share Links are hosted on for distraction free viewing.